
In the wind

Three days in the bay, vague breezes to blow you over bursts, cool nights and beautiful sunsets. The life written about, I find it each day and see the breath taking scenery when I depart modern life.

My boat, even with all its problems has yet to show any signs of weakness. It inspires me to go further beyond the line drawn by our anti-adventure mainstream ethic; I like not knowing whats going to happen. My guitar does too as the songs I write continue to span the full gamut of genre. If I had a studio I could actually product the songs I hear. I will whole heartily settle for six strings aboard a crudely outfitted sailboat. My molodica also provides the sound.

I practicing my breathing I find always it works to make something happen. Strange; fantastic, I know, but I can't ignore that at times when the winds quits, and I gain presents of mind and begin to breathe, the wind starts, not once but yesterday, every time within two or three breaths. Other times the effect is internal, which is a funny concept when everything is one thing; forever and always connected through shear energy, but it releases a feeling a peace and without trying, I smile. So breathing is my yoga, my connection to, ultimately, the sun from which I come.

Evolve light, to shine through any medium, and be seen by any measure. What other than light, what other than energy can claim to be, always it is every was. Cosmic furniture of the antique variety.


To the Trees

Wana know what this life is for? Go for a walk: Thats IT! Yes, simple really, life is for you to live. It gets complicated when you begin to need things and worse, want. After a while we begin to confuse needs and wants and fins ourselves in a real pickle. War is a product not of the militairy, but of the wants and needs of us (we). There is no excuse to kill for something we want. And as far as needs, we've gone so far over-board on wants that we need so much more to cover our needs that we must take more from others.

Enough of that. If you were intreged by the title 'Gandhi Flower' you must have a pretty good idea of the roots of war. This is about celebration; "To the Trees".

Air is one of the needs I would like to focus on here. It is the co-title holder of the most important needs of us (we), water being the other. The first step in "change" is bringing an end to the current ways we do things, like using public transit instead of privatly owned cars. It will take YOUR BEST EFFORT, no one else. When a country changes it happens from the gorund up, meaning , people in their individual lives and communities will do things differently.

Television is an esy one, get rid of it. spend more time outside; thinking; meditating; exercising; conversing; playing games; cooking; creating; etc. You must seek out the ways in which you can do more of the work currently being done by consuming energy, or, by abandoning practices that undermine the philosophy of conservation, peace, and sustainablilty. The short of it is, you must lessen your consumption of energy. You, no one else.


The Plan: for the positive

For those who have stepped back and have begun to see the reality of this system, here is my humble "Plan" to continue:

Step one: Do Not Make Any Plans. Simply go to where ever it is you want to go. Don't worry if you don't know if you'll like it; thats rational and should not prevent you from having an adventure. Many people never realize the truth of who they are. They spend a lifetime toiling away, maintaining who they think they are. The most comforting thing is mortality, you don't have to worry about being wrong, just be a good person and follow the first dream that pops up.

Know Money: This stuff is like a rain jacket: When you have it you can go out in the rain whenever you want, when you don;t you can go out in the rain whenever you want. You need food and water and sleep and sex according to the primordial needs. Money is a means to these ends. With a wise lifestyle, the amount of money you'll need is easily maintained by seasonal work. Seasonal work is like a vacation where you do lots of chors, and get paid. Ask a river guide, camp consular, etc. If you got no car, you got more money than you'd know what to do with.

Know yourself: The only advice here is, don't fool yourself. You will not learn who you are at college; work; a foreign country. You will only learn who you can be under specific pressure, but you will not learn about who you are. You must go somewhere quiet and pure. For me, the deserts and mountains of the western US have help me begin the discovery of myself/the world (the same thing really)

Be humble: Don't think I'm not, that would be presumptuous and self righteous. I'm 'sharing' my experience of travel and adventure and one fact is that we are all the same before we "create ourselves". by the same, I mean when you are hungry, someone else is hungry too; when you are sad, someone else is sad too. The difference is the reason why. We're lucky, many are not and it is only those like us who can make this world a better place, and we can't do it by over indulging. They lifestyle you live is the only way you can effect the world, voting, buying "green", no impact. Lifestyle.

To suffer is to know the depths of love. The balance is welcoming both suffering and love into your heart. Whit balance you will have all you ever need. When you have all you need you must go on an adventure or you will go crazy and end up with more pointless material than you can imagine.

Peace, Peace, Peace: Live for this, its simple. We live for war, or, we work for it. Peace is achievable only if you believe it is, and then set out to speak it, walk it, live it.

One suffers, many flourish.

Tradition: Proof of Slavery

Evolution is a natural thing. We see in everything from single celled organisms to the behaviour of mammals proof that if a thing is left free to exist and subjected to the changes of environment it will evolve (or perish). 'Left to exist free'.

We, as a culture engage in the same social events (football/baseball, sixteenth birthday, 12 years of school, etc) ever since they were introduced. There are some exceptions, but we have not evolved as a society.

This is evident when we see current events and the modern problems we face, all caused by irresponsible consumption. When we look at tradition we can see a direct connection to culture action and modern problems. Why have we not changed? Simple, we are not "free".

Many will argue: "I like football", or, Covering my face with chemicals and spending more money than I make on clothes, cars and furniture is fun". I like sex, yet I refrain from engaging when it isn't appropriate. Is it beyond the realm of possibility that at some point, spending millions to play a game of football (all the private automobiles, electricity, garbage, etc) will be inappropriate? Say, if there was a war, and that war was, among other reasons, for oil/energy, would consuming that energy for fun be, how should I say this, insensitive? Some would say its heartless and completely void of reason, but they don't waste their time on words, they're busy in the garden.

Tradition is much like an anchor around the neck for it stands fast despite the changing in the wind. We are ignoring a few things, indeed. When you take a step back, unstrap yourself from all the material you work 40 hours/week; 50 weeks/year; 40 years of your life (more than half, or all of the life your natural health provides); when you look at it all, you will see a silly situation: people creating problems with their every step; people who forgot humility and push on blindly to the signs in the street that the facade is begining to look foolish as the blood spills and pollution builds; people who think freedom includes a thing like the patriot act and daily infringements of innocent people's rights here, there, EVERYWHERE. Money is a special thing. I hope its worth it.