
Define wonder.


In time with our Biology: Circadian Rhythm

Circadian Biology covers the vast realm of the Life Sciences. The word Circa means 'around' and dies means 'day'. It is the study of the influence of the daily cycle our planet in relation to the Sun and other energetically influential cosmic bodies, such as the moon, has on biology, or, life. Plants and mammals alike function in rhythm with this cycle of day and night and seasonal change.

Circadian Biology is as crucial as water or air to our health. Effects of deviation for this rhythm include sleep disorders, behavioral disorders and depression. On a more subtle level, being out of time with our nature invites disease and sickness.

In our modern world there is no appreciation for the Circadian Rhythm, our cities never sleep and though it is natural to "howl at the moon" we subject ourselves to artificial light and digital noises and pursue a style of entertainment born of technology.

A fire and a drum. Dancing in moonlight and rising with the sun. Before you take a pill or try to heal through retreat, try getting in time with your circadian rhythm and steeping in it. To feel the natural strength, clarity and sense of harmony you must not only try it, you must maintain the rhythm until it becomes, well, natural. Here is how to do this:

Upon waking "Bathe in the Sun". Starting the day is a momentous event and we should express this every morning. Prepare all that you need to rise from the warmth and comfort of bed the night before, like a robe or slippers. In fact, dedicate space in the bedroom for these provisions so you room will be equally about rest as it is about return to vibrancy. When you awake, rise and go to the most sunny spot in your house and feel the warmth. Eventually you should try going outside in the first moments of the new day. IT only takes a moment; don't over think it, just experience it.

In the height of day seek the height of activity. In the afternoon a healthy body is naturally energized and concentration levels are peaked. This is the ideal time to exercise strenuously and seek challenge. The body is always ready for work, this is just the time energy is naturall focused for optimum coordination and skill.

Eat early in the evening Digestion is naturally supressed later in the evening. It is much healthier to avoid eating after 6 or 7 o'clock.

Let the light of day go dark Aftern the sun sets it is important to allow for a drastic change in ambiant lighting. Light pollution is one of the most underestimated influences in our nature. Light effects our behaviour in ways much like being awake without sleep for extened peroids does- we are still healthy relitivly speaking, but we are closer to sickness and emotionally weak. It is just as important to personally welcome the night you do the day- go outside and look up at the stars if only for a moment. In the evening use light sparingly, or better yet use candles or oil lamps. Learn how to make candles, use pure bee's wax whcih will go further to support bee keepers and the movment to save the honey bee.

Invite sleep, don't go seeking Let your day drift into night, enjoy the company of family, and seek the company of friends occasionally. Choose activities that bring you into peaceful spirits and make it a point to spend some time (15 min. or more) by yourself. Relaxation is a state of health and good sleep comes to those relaxed. Practice deep breating and meditation every evening. This should not be confused with prayer as meditation is an exercise to relax the mind and allow thoughts to come and go without focus or contemplation.

I must mention discipline once again. The modern world is not a place for Circadian Rhythm. It will require effort in the beginning and call to change habbit. The change will have great benefit to one's presents and sense of connection to all things.


Transcending Religion: Self-Discipline

Yoga is the Sanskrit term for discipline. Buddhism or Taoism, aside for the millions of books, are simply about getting over attachment, ego and material desires by practicing discipline. Zen as well. Discipline is simply doing something right, which indeed requires a sort of focus, but more a complete presents in the moment without wanting more than is at hand. Contemplation and study lead to understanding. Understanding leads to letting go. This is what it means to practice discipline. The eight fold path is as about eloquent as it gets. In western terms, which are usually crude, the saying "perfect practice makes perfect" is a good interpretation. It is important though to understand it is a practice, not a perfection.

Without discipline matters requiring action are left to belief. To "believe in truth" is an oxymoron. To practice discipline yield truth and this is precisely why eastern philosophy has been reduced to religion in the western world. The difference between Taoism as a discipline vs a belief, is the disciplined will be carried by the Tao as a surfer upon a wave, the religious will worship the surfer. The difference between Christianity as a discipline vs a belief: Jesus.

Belief is not all together bad, provided it is not founded on prescribed doctrine or deities. God alone is; this is Hindu. God is creation; this is Christian. In both cases you cannot do anything; think anything or believe anything that is separate or contrary to God. The one who tells you "you are a sinner", or you are at odds with God is the one who stands between you and God. God is within as it were. There is no need for proof, only growth from that point. And after all, "God" is a label like "Pope" that is used to coral, or, focus belief on something other than the subtle truth of life; that we are one and as the sum are a direct extension of the expression of omnipotence. This is what is meant by "organized community". Discipline is the glue of community. Belief is the line of separation.

"Alone one struggles. Together many flourish."


Do we need more entertainment, or do we need a deeper sense of appreciation?

Do we need better health care or do we need to lead healthier lives?

Do we need a government more receptive to our needs or do we need to be less receptive to our wants?

Aloha; breath; love and everything else