
And what can you do for your country

"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" -JFK

It seems to me most voters were concerned with the economy so as to maintain the value of their dollar in order to keep living the lifestyle they have enjoyed up t this point, a lifestyle marked by irresponsible consumerisim. Funny, everyone feels we need change yet change refuse to accept the impending down fall of the econemy. Change comes in all kinds; habits are like chains. What ever will happen?

Why do we need money anyway? Slaves Need Chains.
At a time when a nation hires its first non white male as a leader of government it might seems some what nestalgic to bring up that were slaves still (even white people).

Replace the word 'ONE' with 'LOVE' on every dollar bill you spend. Its easy if you practice, its all about the "L". The "N" turns into a "V" well enough so the whole thing can look really well done with very little effort.
How many times a day do you write; speak; feel Love? Do you hear others talk about it?

1 comment:

The Educated Guess said...

love IS the answer. You are crazier than the wind. Truth be told, it must be better to be crazy than to be stagnant like those who walk the same way everyday and never question.

crazy love is all we have.

love crazily!!!