
My Town

I'm spending time as an observer. I don't relate to most people these days for they continue to neglect their responsibility to be the change. IT is rare to find a person who inspires participation; most people say, do, and think the same thing.I find it interesting that people will attach some kind of uniqueness to their community. I find all places to be, where it counts, the same.IF we can over look race, ethnic influence, social class, all places today, after decades of homogenization, and relatively the same. The charm of a small rural community is present in a small city neighborhood. The truth is, many people who live in the 'country' work in the city, so the country is an abstract and real only in the ether.The color of a car is irrelevant much as the level of fuel efficiency; a car is still a gross waste of all things needed for healthy life of a planet full of creatures. A city or town is designed with 'commerce' in mind, with health being a sacrificial second or third even when the lowest contractor always gets the bid to improve your streets; handle your garbage; manage your drinking water.It is about time we look at the meaning of things or face the result of a meaningless culture. Aw yea slaves, the best is yet to come.

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