
Happy Gas: The American Dream and Darfur

Whats the reason for every environmental disaster or the common practice of cultural pacification/genocide of native peoples? The Pursuit of Happiness, of course.

Add 'Empathy' the the list of extinction. It is out of hand! Too many people believe it is more important to "be happy" than to sacrifice. I'm not talking about "jesus christ", I'm talking about the excess; the waste. How important is the industry of Football in the age of awareness? Is Football freedom? Or is it merely the modern-day chains that prevent the minds of slaves from thinking too much about things? What about money? Can anyone understand the "service industry" and "slavery" is semantics.

Many confuse empathy for pessimism, or, anger. ITs not simply that the world is a sad place, it is that is gets sadder with every day that passes where affluent nations, the only ones that can, refuse to sacrifice their comfort and convenience for the betterment of the world community. War is a much easier way to keep poor people from revolting, and just look at how many jobs it creates!?

Empathy is indeed disappearing from the face of American Society. It is being replaced with an irrational drive to be "happy". Junkies on vacation. Junkies dancing all night. Junkies eating at the new restaurant and buying a pint of Ben and Jerry's anywhere, 24-hours a day 365 days a week.

I eat ice cream still, but its rare. When I do, I consciously acknowledge I am about to participate in gross indulgence. Do I enjoy the ice cream less? Yes, I do. It is called evolution, or, refinement of entertainment. I even will change my mind in the store now, and walk out without buying ice cream. I don;t worry about being happy, I don't worry at all. I walk true steps and feel deeply content at my commitment to "living simply so the other may simply live". I don't worry about over population, or use it as a n excuse rather, to perpetrate the thoughtless acts of indulgence that are the body of American Entertainment/life.

And yes, in both my own thinking and in fact, I am a better person than I was, at least from the perspective of the land and the life that lives. I feel much better everyday than the fleeting happiness a pint of Ben and Jerry's could bestow.

Evolve, people! Let go and grow.

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