
Solutions anyone?

Yes, the moment is ripe: Change!  There seem to be a lot of questions about what we need to do.  There also a lot of hope that things will just work themself out.  To the latter, indifference is the wrong approach, and hope without action is complacency and as well, is the wrong approach.  The bottom line is this: energy in = energy out.  That means each one of us must change our lifestyle.  

The simplest changes are as follows:

1. Conservation of resources- Don't use disposable products (i.e. plastic grocery bags; paper/plastic cups; disposable forks, plates, napkins, etc.).  this means carry your own consumption kit.  Mine consists of: stainless steel bowl, titainum spork, 16 oz.. glass jar.  If I go for coffee, I use my own glass.  If I go to eat, I use my own utensil and bowl.  I don't patronize establishments that refuse to allow conservation in their business.  If I need a napkin I reach in my back pocket and grab my handkerchief.   

2. Recycling does not change anything- Recycling is a highly consumptive process as far as energy.  When you take into account the massive amounts of fossil fuels burnt in the transporting, sorting, transporting, processing, transporting, processing, transporting, and distribution, you end up with increased amounts of pollution globally.  And after all that, what do we have to show: disposable bottles, bags, and napkins used once or a few times and re-recycled.  the problem is we use too many disposable products.

3. Food grows on trees, so grow food- Its not enough that the majority of grocery store food is unhealthy to you and especially to children, but we are entering into a era of resource scarcity that will inevitably mean higher food prices and less availability.  To not grow food where ever you can, is negligence.   Gardening is the single most radical thing one can do.  It severs ties to corporate farms responsible for lowering the healthfulness of our foods and the health of our planet.  I severs your ties to the burning of massive amounts of fossil fuels in the transportation of food, which is often over 1,500 miles.  It empowers you to make your life healthier.

4. Alone one struggles, together many flourish- Community is the key.  If you grow food and your neighbor is starving, you should grow more food with your neighbor.  If you call for and support progressive community efforts, you will be part of the community for change.    

We, each one, must work to over come our dependancy on garbage and adopt a strong conservation ethic and refuse to participate in the gross wastefulness we as a culture are guilty of.   We must meet in the streets and celebrate change together for whether we choose to or not, drastic change is on its way and we will be forced to do without.  community is key friends.

Respect is before love, and discourse is before community.  If there is no discussion happening in your community then start one.  Focus on solutions and don't worry about difficulties, together we will find solutions.

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