What is life for? Humbly, it is for love and love alone. It is true there are many kinds of love; life is for all love. The role or purpose of life "being" is to facilitate love. the role of you, me and everyone one else is to allow love to flourish and understand and accept our own weakness to prevent from inadvertently sabotaging the proliferation of love.
I may sound like a"hippy", but such a label is the product narrow-minded thinking. "Hippys", at least the real ones from the sixties have dropped their peace flags and drive SUV's and vote for liers. Some others might think I am prescribing passiveness, but there is no action more complete in its effort to facilitate love than non-violence;it requires a very active approach. Others will recite passages from the many books about the same God with different names, stating they can not love their enemies, but I would say "read your book again". I'll throw a bone to the Christians, Read the first ten pages of Matthew to see the lines about "loving your enemy". I didn't say it, Jesus did.
Wisdom is the word; "truth is God" as it were. This is what Gandhi believed. He also agreed with "God is Love". Today there is a need for love, or, the refinement of the expression of love. We are willing to sacrifice almost everything for the right amount of money, yet we can't even give a bum a piece of fruit, or stop driving to stop poising our children's air and paying the sinister oil companies to continue to plunder the earth. What do you sacrifice for love?
REDUCE=love REUSE=love recycle=money
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