
Dreams and Horizons

There is, to the many who seek it, an abundance of inspiration beyond the shallow materialism that distinguishes this modern society. It is a testament to the similarity of us all for there is a sunset, a mountain, a shore, a forest or desert to put each one of us beside them self in awe. Equally, we all share the same distractions that from time to time allow us to ignore the damage we do to the things we not only love, but rely upon for our vary lives. This post is for the Sun, Wind, Mountains and Oceans; it is for the health of all two legged and four legged, winged and reptilian; it is for you.

I have committed myself to sailing under wind power, or the power I can summon through the use of oars. My 27 foot bristol, whose name is still eluding me, is free from the responsibility of carrying fuel to burn, and polluting further, the over-polluted air and water of our planet. For what?

To committ fossil fuels, with all their associated probems (war, pollution, dependancy, etc.) to recreation is something we must address. Even if we choos to ignore the true culporate: design of our urban environment, we should put it to ourselves to dream of the new ways in shich we cn persue adventure free from destroying the grounds we explore. There is a way, ony though humility and objective observation can we find it. All we deserve in this ife is clean air and fresh water. May we act accordingly before we have not even a creek in all this counrty safe to drink. Am I too late?

Peace and Love are Actions; be the change you wish to see

educated, aware, outraged and active

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