
the oceans of emotion

surfers claim connection, ride the wave purely with soul. sailors take the wind that is given and ask for nothing more, they are the founders of new worlds. Climbers leave behind any sense of safety to find a deeper sense of connection. Even on a bicycle you become the action and the distractions drip away in each drop of sweat. In the midst of all these expressions, emotions come and go. I find, when dormant, emotions tend to stick around, sometimes alittle too long.

Yoga would be the living and breathing manifestation of the the essence of these expressions. It too would provide one with the ability to be as a tree; rooted in the real earth and giving of its self to the wind and soil that is grows from. Without such a presents in one's life, adrift upon an ocean they might feel.

I have cried recently at the though of my mother's passing. And I have lied sleepless at the though of a woman. This is evidence enough, that I need a stronger connection to yoga; to living and breathing action.

I have traveled more than most in the past few years. and this in a way, deadens me to the typical enjoyments or entertainments most find satisfaction in. Boredom, as it were, is the fertile ground for innovation. I feel my soul; the fire of Aries burns hotter than before. I come full circle with a new direction, I spiral to the earth to climb again and begin a life of growing my sustenance; I create music and grow my ideas with new colors.

I planted some garlic to day in a pot. This is my purpose, now small and soon to grow to a bed; a row; and field. I suppose we are all seeds and growing is what we do best.

Peace, Love, Good food, Growth.

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