

trickle sunlight
grow garlic in your bathtub
Treat your neighbor to your dreams; share

You shine, dreamer
I feel your love
I feel skin to sun to mine and know:

I feel love pure
Books say sinner
but who writes books
I close my eyes
I feel you
I feel love

Tell me the color of the sun
tell me the wind blows to spin turbines:

Just to electrify your desire?

I'll laugh right in your face teller
and with a grin you might tell me to die
Wisher, gone over the top
giver, put under by greedy hands
greedy hand, holding nothing; fist
greedy fists maintain facades
material bliss quits kisses from true love:

Sorry if I love e-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y

I'll love you to, killer creature

spell c-o-s-m-o-s
spell g-o-d
write a word in any language
But words; abstractions to steal action
and the real love becomes many distractions

I can live cosmos
and I can live god

I can love everybody

Humbly, I write poetry
call out "talkers"
put words in the wind
The seeds I sew

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