
The State of Love, Part I

We are organized by lines, flags, political affiliations, social class, and myriad other distinctions.  We have become so enamored by 'difference' that we have lost sight, completely it seems, of the things that connect us.

I've been called a 'hippy' more that once.  I have been called 'idealistic' and 'lofty'.   Names like rain drops have hit me and soaked me so, leaving me shivering and in need of the warmth of community.    So let me say first, I am nothing.  I am a humble man who put himself out for the judgment of a culture stricken with apathy and thoughtlessness. 

Today we look, still to leadership for direction.  What is their wisdom? More roads, war and work.  To what end is this all for?  Maintenance of this modern style of slavery.  Don't be fooled by color; we have been and continue to be equal as human beings regardless of economic class; we are all capable and when segregated, we are all vulnerable.  

I would say war is the antithesis of love;  competition that leaves children starving and cold is the antithesis of love;  processes that poison our air and water (how absolutely insane and hopeless) are the antithesis of love.  Many feel opinion out weighs observation.   If observation is subjective in nature then it is indeed, the same as opinion.  It is only through objectivity that observation can surpass opinion, and through objectivity alone can we see the State of Love in our houses, communities, and country.  Our subjectivity is the result of programing.  Your opinions are the product of misinformation, fear, and selfishness expressed as capitalism.  It need not be this way.  Furthermore, it can not be this way if we hope for change.

There is a choice: Be the change, or not.  Before Love we must learn to respect each other.  This can only be done by the individual.  In fact, the achievement of solution is similar to the presence of the problem; it is the result of the entirety of individual actions over a period of time.  The true leader of change you will find in the mirror, not the television or newspaper.

The State of Love, as Stevie Wonder sang, "is in need of love today".   Money is not love.  You can not vote for Love.  Bullets and bombs don't reveal Love.  Respect: Love; Thought: Understanding 

coming: The State of Love, Part II

1 comment:

The Educated Guess said...

What are the things that connect us? I would say the need for change is ripe within all of us. The feeling of being lost and longing for something new and something based in truth. The things that connect us are only ourselves and this beautiful earth.

You are so much more than nothing. Sometimes you aren't as humble as you think. Yet, I believe you are the strongest man I know. Able to rise above, view the culture from a different angle and call it for what it is. thank you. Thank you. thank you!

The State of Love is weak. This I will not argue. And indeed the only way to make it stronger is with more love and more love. and shall i say it once more. MORE LOVE.

You wrote this after talking with chip in the DailyGrind. While observing the conversation I thought to myself why isn't he asking..."What can we do together then?" Maybe we need to reach out in a new way. Instead of trying to change peoples minds or get them on our path, maybe we see their path and help guide them along. You are a guide at heart. You've said it before. So in these conversations maybe you say "what do you want to do?" "what do you want to be different?" "if you could change anything, what would you change?" Make them think....make them answer. Then hold them to it.

Love is complex and simple. Love is deep and shallow. Love is forever and infinite. Love is confusing and honest. Love is hard and soft. Love is......

The leaders of Change are ourselves. This is the mantra. This is the truth. We need to see ourselves in order to understand this. How do we get people to see? That is the question.