

The colors of a smile
the words fail
the sights of the sun
shown ture

Coyote Gultch GCNRA, UT

Going Grand (Teton N.P.)


The lover of nothing (no one thing)

When was the word Love first uttered? Was it to express something while in the midst of, or was it as hopless as a photograph? It seems words, however crude they are, have been shoulderd with the responsibility to carry the message of the beating heart; the message of a God.

When was the Sun spoke of
the name of eternity
a thief might utter names in the night
telling of sun's warmth, swearing by it
And which would be true:
-the cry for warmth in the cold night
-the promis that the sun will rise

And what can you do for your country

"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" -JFK

It seems to me most voters were concerned with the economy so as to maintain the value of their dollar in order to keep living the lifestyle they have enjoyed up t this point, a lifestyle marked by irresponsible consumerisim. Funny, everyone feels we need change yet change refuse to accept the impending down fall of the econemy. Change comes in all kinds; habits are like chains. What ever will happen?

Why do we need money anyway? Slaves Need Chains.
At a time when a nation hires its first non white male as a leader of government it might seems some what nestalgic to bring up that were slaves still (even white people).

Replace the word 'ONE' with 'LOVE' on every dollar bill you spend. Its easy if you practice, its all about the "L". The "N" turns into a "V" well enough so the whole thing can look really well done with very little effort.
How many times a day do you write; speak; feel Love? Do you hear others talk about it?

Torn, Television, Tomorrow

So I ride a dead horse, beating it like a jockey in the Kentucky Derby: Television is sapping the imagination out of those who use it.  I don't even think there is a "responsible use" excuse, though flipping it on to check the weather channel might qualify but only if you turn it off as soon as you get the local forecast.   I have recently left a lifestyle of non-television, living in smaller places with bigger character.  Returning to the place where I grew up and spending time with family and friends leaves me a bit hopeless- everyone has a television and while at home it is always on.  There are exceptions of course, there are always exceptions.  

All I mean to say is television in no way helps our culture ween itself from a irresponsibly over consumptive lifestyle.