
The Ingredients of Apathy: A Remedy Part I

The single most harmful thing to the culture of the United States is the gross apathy its members are guilty of. Among other negative aspects of our culture, apathy allows for a lengthening of the list, or, an increase in severity such as with War for More.

Distraction is the main ingredient to our cultural apathy for if we knew how powerful our individual actions are we would stand in the streets, and be the change instead of hiding in our homes, restaurants or gyms believing in change. The media plays the largest part, to include movies, the whole of television/cable programming as well as the news. From John Stewart to Sean Hanity, media serves to relive pressure from a frustrated public. Movies play on themes with social significant as well as release perennial favorites such as the terminator and a few other iconic films this winter/spring. Music can be seen as a far departure from the 60's and 70's when entire albums were released and the pop charts were full of socially charged music addressing war, civil rights and so on. To day music, from one genera to the next, sings about the same things, and provides blindly optimistic songs to address the continued decline.

Distraction is the first aspect that should be addressed for when an individual becomes aware they will begin to challenge the norm as a result of their search for truth. IT is this challenging of the norm that will raise awareness to distraction and as a movement will have a synergistic dynamic almost like wild fire. The norm is a very fragile thing, this is why it is defended with such ferocious dedication. Even a republican or Democrat will adopt the ways of a communist when in the company of such a society. 100 people actively engaged in challenging the norm would have a very effective impact on the whole of a community in any city.

Fear is the second ingredient to apathy and as where distraction brings the individual into apathy fear galvanizes and prevents self initiated awareness. The exposing of fear becomes the key to over coming it. If it is the unknown we fear, then we must travel into the unknown to expose that fear or face living our life void of ever awaking to reality. As to the question of reality, to the ignorant it becomes all too clear in mostly disagreeable ways; as consequence.

What you think is what you see and what you see is what you think. The first step is to treat your perception as you do your body; you don't eat garbage and expect a healthy life, so why do we entertain garbage/misinformation/lies and expect a healthy perception? Avoid the media and keep your train of though pure until you learn about the behavioral science behind media and can fairly see a story for its spin and social impact it tries to elicit. Fortunately it has become very clear what the aim of mass media is. All I mean to say is, look beyond the answers to see the old questions dusty and unanswered; see the beneficiaries for who they are: dogs looking for bones, or Kings maintaining their rule.

A college education is rather common these days so what do we need with 'expert opinion'? Educated minds can achieve objectivity and avoid opinion all together and make decisions based off of observation alone. Opinions do rule the working class, his is one what to prevent organization: prevent objectivity.

I will write more after discussion so that we may proceed with more input.

The Web Does Not Exist

The Tao Te Ching opens with " the name that can be named is not the eternal name", or something to that effect. The web is a sorce of unverifyable mess; you use the web to reserch things on the web. It is enivetable that a day will come when the web, which we seem to turn to for or connection to the world, will be mearly be a scriped story to influence the many demographics of world citizens.

Some might think I'm crazy, and they would be the ones still watching the news and forming their opinions off of that garbage.


People often scoff when I mention solutions. Are we that conditioned that we can't accept someone might know or see things alittle better than others? Are we that stupid to think the situation is beyond understanding, or that is is so complicated inside and out that you can't even begining to see the picture?

The one thing you need most to solve problems is creativity. The one things slaves lack is creativity. Solutions only require commitment. Lets look at the average American, at least the ones that I meet: Higher education, owns a car, works a lot, drinks alcohol, has new clothes and/or spends money on sports, votes, pay taxes, ignores the war, believes lying politicians.

The problem is not Anthropogentic Global Warming, which is a consequence, the problem is consumption. "Do without", and "do it together" are the solution. Sacrifice and commitment, community and connection.

My Town

I'm spending time as an observer. I don't relate to most people these days for they continue to neglect their responsibility to be the change. IT is rare to find a person who inspires participation; most people say, do, and think the same thing.I find it interesting that people will attach some kind of uniqueness to their community. I find all places to be, where it counts, the same.IF we can over look race, ethnic influence, social class, all places today, after decades of homogenization, and relatively the same. The charm of a small rural community is present in a small city neighborhood. The truth is, many people who live in the 'country' work in the city, so the country is an abstract and real only in the ether.The color of a car is irrelevant much as the level of fuel efficiency; a car is still a gross waste of all things needed for healthy life of a planet full of creatures. A city or town is designed with 'commerce' in mind, with health being a sacrificial second or third even when the lowest contractor always gets the bid to improve your streets; handle your garbage; manage your drinking water.It is about time we look at the meaning of things or face the result of a meaningless culture. Aw yea slaves, the best is yet to come.


Dead Fish and the Future

What is water to every living thing on the planet? Life!

There is no rational explanation for what is going on with our water. Dead fish are caused by algae. What causes the algae!? People are so foolish and hopelessly confident in the promises of officials and politicians.

To the dead fish: don't worry, we've got it all under control. MORE GROWTH AMERICA!!!!!!!!!


memorial day

What I observed was a day of carefree, typical american consumption. Tha Army Band did show up in the Inner Harbor to paly "show tunes" benith a flag at full mast dispite the natinal day of mourning.

All I wish to say is please stop and think; turn off your TVs, put down your books and stand in the street; look for change. If you don't see it, be it.


Lots of "Falling"

AS a process, we are at a time when we must make substantial change in order to continue to enjoy evolving as a species in nature. We are falling, right now, as we have witnessed time and time again throughout history. We cannot make the mistake and look at the recent turning of events as random. History is written by the stronger hand. It reflects the side of victory and can be seen as a lie for no other reason than it never admits the atrocious mistakes made. No thing, is perfect. Any thing that claims to be right every time, should be scrutenized very seriously.

MEasure your culture by these simple truths: Food is freedom (what is the quality of food)
Education is freedom (what is the quality of education), Water is freedom ( what is the qualtiy of water) Love is freedom (what is the quality of love)

We have seen the budget for education get cut for over a decade. Durring that time the budget for War increased. If you don't think for yourseft today............

The rise and fall of renewable energy

The first wind farm went up in the 70's. 40 years later the obstacles before renewable energy are largely unchanged.

The biggest problem is the cost of putting electricity into the grid. The government wants to provide financial incentive to projects. This is a good idea but only if the prevent the current "big power" monopoly from imposing requirements on renewable energy that make it difficult to operate.

Here are some of the basics I learned from my reserch and work in the Renewable Energy Field:

1) Renewable energy, unlike fossil fuel, is "flow limited". This is the reason energy conservation is crucial to a renewable energy scheme. Big power penalizes renewable energy based on the fact that some days the sun won't shine or the wind won't blow.

2) It must be local; decentralized to be successful. This is the reason it will never exist as it should: Energy for the people; Free. Due to Zoning laws which are not only for building safety but also for political/financial reasons, it can be difficult to create a renewble energy utility in a neighborhood. In some cities, you can't hang dry clothes; you must use electricity to dry your clothes.

The Renewable Energy Business is not an industry for an industry is defined as "organized economic activity". So far, Renewables operate under the exploitation of the existing Big Power Company.

The problems that stand to prevent community owned Renewable energy utilities are zoning laws, mis-information, and manipulation of the energy system. They own the grid and force Renewable Energy Utilities to pay "Wheeling Fees" to put energy into the grid. They charge a wind farm to give you energy and charge them when the wind doesn't blow. I can say this; the current system is set up not to change. Energy production is a fundamental aspect of American life and it is not going to change freely. If Obama is serious he would first grant open access to Renewable utilities to put power into the grid free of charge. The grid belongs to the people, it is approprait to call "emminant domain" as it is crucial to the health and well-being of our communities.

This is a good place of Obama to start to bring about a change: let the people have access to Renewable energy without big power fees designed to cripple the Renewable energy industry. They serve only to increase the burden on Renewable Energy Development.


Educators: Expanding

What does it mean to be an educator? Where does the job begin; is it even a 'job'? I have been observing educators for a number of years, and have in my own work, served as educator to adults and children in the various disciplines of the wilderness realm. I am finding many of those responsible for teaching our children about the world, have themselves, many aversions to the realities that surround us.

What ever happened to Socrates? It would seem our general approach to education aims to instill a "know it all" mentality, or worse as I am told over and over by products of the higher educational system, that there is no 'right'. This would mean there is no wrong and would beg the question: What are we really teaching our children? Educators today lack the ignorance, or, humility to surrender to the role of teacher. I am constantly amazed at the level of distraction educators exists. Enamoured by pop culture; propagating the social oppression of glamour (make-up, socialized beauty, expensive material). This is just one example.

This fiercely patriotic culture comes from our educational system. It is common knowledge that we have been fighting a war for six years based on a lie. IT is not so clear that we, or our children even, feel it is a bad thing; to drop bombs on civilians for no good reason. Our economy too, is based on "limitless growth", or, a fairy tale. What do we not teach our children of the problems so they may understand how to "do it better". We shelter our children, just as we shelter ourselves, form the truth.

The commonality among the stereotypical educator is they blend in with the general populace who wallow in apathy. In the respect, we can only see a continued decline in our culture as we instill thoughtlessness in our up and coming generations.


Many educators strive to make things 'fun'. What ever happened to the concept of balance? Is it sound philosophy to make our educational environments as shallow as our social environments? I am talking about children in the woods/wilderness. If our only role as educators is to teach the child about the world and how to think freely (a parent instills morals, in theory), the outdoor classroom provides the perfect platform to accomplish this. First and fore most, you must work for every inch you travel, and the deeper you get the more humble you become.

If we can accept that our children are bombarded with distraction: TV, video games, news/mis-information/propaganda, etc, then a moment spent in the wilderness in a program that is not concerned with 'fun' is a rare moment of opportunity for the child to over come distraction. You must remove the distracted one from the environment of distraction and let them realize they ways in which they were distracted. Only through questions can a teacher, or, facilitator unlock the students mind, opening it to a wider view of existence. Than is what life is about, at least, that is what my life has been about.

I can't say to any degree of certainty, that the time I have spent with children and adults has had any positive impact on their lives or our culture. I can only say I have given them a rare opportunity to grow off of reality; to suffer for the truth rather than for a contrived system. I don't entice them with 'fun' for I have complete faith that a child will never forget how to have fun, and its this faith that allows me to confidently provide them with the myriad other stuff they need to be well-rounded human beings.

As always, I would love to hear what you think.

Peace and love are actions


The Fall of Rome: Back to the Drawing Board

I'm often asked what my vision for a better government is. My answer, though not definitive, acknowledges in the least, the gross deficiencies of our grand government and the appropriate remedies. It is a question of design, nothing more.

If your to redesign something, you look for problems and change the design to eliminate them. Anything less is 'mitigation' and in no way will solve a problem but simply prolong the inevitable.

What went wrong with the roman empire? I don't know, but if I look at whats going wrong with the empire that came next I think we could figure it out. If society is a natural thing, it can, like a dog, be trained to behave in predictable ways. I won't say controlled cause a dog still chases birds, barks at other dogs, etc. Even a trained dog wears a collar and leash, just in case.

When the many Gods of the roman empire could not keep the people in line, they were replaced with the one god of the Christian Empire. As usual, wars were fought for the new God and wealth was acquired. There was a refinement in the social 'collar', the end of days was written, or "the Revelation". This would serve to further galvinize the ruling classes control over the masses as things fall apart, which they naturally will always do under systems that serve to keep the rich rich and poor poor, or, avoid change.

When Rome fell, who fell? Was it the ruling class or simply the social structure? A time of disarray and confusion, as any magician will tell you, is a time when you can disappear or do any number of mind boggling things to the unsuspecting masses. A card trick is a practice of the minipulation of distraction; the goal is to control perception. A good trick defies the physical laws of our planet, so it would seem. A good ruling class would do the same, hence, God.

I don't mean to hurt feelings, but Rome falls, Christianity rises, and what changes? There is still the same conquering mentality and the previous progression of atrocity continued unchanged, they just cited a different Deity. The masses went from fearing many gods to fearing just one who was more powerful. Rome was the first mega society that reached such a height in intellect that it would be very foolish to think that, in falling, it caught the elite with their pants down. A wise man knows which way, and more importantly, when to get out of harms way.

I always though a government truly interested in serving its people would go to great lengths to educate and empower them. A wise system would in the least, understand that even the best ideas will soon become antiquated and incapable of serving. Naturally I would think a good government would humbly yield to new ideals. To base a system of governance on the model of bureaucracy is a good way to ensure its demise for adaptability and a dynamic nature are the mark of endurance.

The problem with Rome is they though it would last for ever, and just as Hitler, they went about taking the world under that idea. Hitler was red-neck, and the "Romans" eventually put together a system that had its demise engineered into it: Christianity. The only way you can truly maintain control of a thing is to deprive it of freedom and destroy it if it revolts. Slaves maybe, but we are not dogs. Rovolution is the result of stifeled evolution and it is not the answer to opression, freedom is.

I can not keep my thoughts to a constant theme as you will never understand what is going on if you root yourself in any one discipline. This is the great failing of college for to focus your studies on a single discipline is to limit you ability to understand the world. I don't kid myself, I understand very little, but I am not blind in my idealisim to the flag waving full mast, shamlessly amid a war claiming our sons and daughters in the name of....... what was it?

Sorry Jesus, you did a good thing but your heritage is that of Herrod, or wonder woman for that matter. Myths never change, they are just adapted to the culture. And the story of today is the same as yesterday.

The truth will set you free, but first it makes you miserable. Happiness is a thing for slaves and is different from contentment. New shoes make you happy, so do car crashes or sports injuries. Contentment comes from within; it is as all things true, already present. You need only look through the myriad distraction to see.

Peace and Love are actions


The fall of Queens

The notion that we have an opportunity under the current system of government, to effect change is void of objective observation. The only commonality in the history of government, is every one of them has always done absolutely anything they want regardless of the needs of the masses. We must relinquish our grasp on the illusion that we have a say in our government.

We are all 'idealists' based on the definition of the word. Some however base the idealism on subjectivity, or, prejudice. One who feels objective is an impossibility says so from a closed-mind for, just as learning itself, to be objective requires an honest effort by the preciever. If objectivity was not possible there would be no diversity in the body of philosophy, it would all be based on literal; personal experience.

The bottom line is we must understand our limitations, or, socialized blinders, and open our eyes to this setting sun, for when it rises we will have yet again, missed an opportunity for real change.

What needs to change? Apathy for one. To be against a war that carries no official reason (WMD's were never found and the tip that started the war was later revealed to be a lie), you must look at the ways in which YOU contribute to the war effort: funding (taxes) demand (oil) and ideology.

Struggle is the mark of birth. Ours and every other Affluent nation struggled against an oppressive government, and they did so alone. This is the concept of sovereignty and If we think we're helping anyone in the middle east by bombing their cities, occasionally murdering swaths of civilians: men women and children; if we think we can instill a good government from a historically corrupt and divisive government such as our own, your not idealistic, your a fool.

The best we can do for the middle east is refrain from infecting them with our brand of governance. Democracy? Wrong. It was called a Republic up until a few years ago. Semantics is beneath a government, at least it should be when we can't get a handle on homelessness, or education. They call it a "Representative Democracy" now and very clearly propagates the lie of democracy. What is more important, the name of a thing, or the meaning of a thing?

How can we, a republic, bring democracy to the world, especially when we utilize the more brutal and selfish method of conflict resolution to carry it out. Communism was not the problem in the USSR, and capitalism is not the problem in the US, it is leadership for a system is merely a tool to accomplish society, and you must appraise the system not by its paper appearance, but by the streets on which we slave away endlessly awaiting a place at the table with Monsanto, Exxon, the Corn Industry, etc.

Wait for tomorrow; good slave. But We own today and this is what WE must do:

a) organize locally: Look for radical organizations in your city, learn what their doing, respectfully challenge them with questions and learn if they are truely a movement of peace and change.


b) leave urban centers; alleviate the burden on the system, grow your own food in a small community that understands sustainability as a concept and practice, not a commercial.


c) wait, and take what comes.

I don't know if I am right, I can't find anyone that can offer anything other than opinion to dispute my observations. I believe in truth and if you open your mind, travel and help others you will see one truth: our similarities are far more important than our differences, this is what makes a communtiy work.