
Ladies and gental man, sell your motors

Aboard my boat there is no means of propulsion other than the wind and me. A sail boat as it was meant to be: Use it with wind. I am glad to have further liberated myself from the fossil-fuel addiction. I've been sailing for a week now with no motor; dropping anchor, docking and cruising. Today is sailed in some heavier weather, 15-20 knot winds I would guess. Waves were 3-4 feet. Under a double reefed main and large storm jib, I made my way steadily. It felt good to burst that cherry and begin to know how my boat, and I do when the wind begin to BLOW. The waves in the bay shouldn't get much bigger but the winds can. I still have more to learn if I'm to keep afloat.

This is one of the hardest things I've done, single-handing a 27' sailboat. I can't say I have a firm grasp on dealing with the rig, but my mind is focused and my actions true with things become serious. The day befor the schakle for my jib broke and I have yet to outfit my boat with the proper replacment parts, just stainless steel bailing wire and some odds and ends (what duct tape tries to emulate) The wire made short work of repairing the schakle but didn;t make for ease of changing head sails in the blow. I will survive I suppose......


Dreams and Horizons

There is, to the many who seek it, an abundance of inspiration beyond the shallow materialism that distinguishes this modern society. It is a testament to the similarity of us all for there is a sunset, a mountain, a shore, a forest or desert to put each one of us beside them self in awe. Equally, we all share the same distractions that from time to time allow us to ignore the damage we do to the things we not only love, but rely upon for our vary lives. This post is for the Sun, Wind, Mountains and Oceans; it is for the health of all two legged and four legged, winged and reptilian; it is for you.

I have committed myself to sailing under wind power, or the power I can summon through the use of oars. My 27 foot bristol, whose name is still eluding me, is free from the responsibility of carrying fuel to burn, and polluting further, the over-polluted air and water of our planet. For what?

To committ fossil fuels, with all their associated probems (war, pollution, dependancy, etc.) to recreation is something we must address. Even if we choos to ignore the true culporate: design of our urban environment, we should put it to ourselves to dream of the new ways in shich we cn persue adventure free from destroying the grounds we explore. There is a way, ony though humility and objective observation can we find it. All we deserve in this ife is clean air and fresh water. May we act accordingly before we have not even a creek in all this counrty safe to drink. Am I too late?

Peace and Love are Actions; be the change you wish to see

educated, aware, outraged and active


The ficade of the american dream; secureity and a prosperious future captivate me no longer. Looking back upon a history of champions of humanity and progress and to know and accept the state of today and the prospects for tomorrow serves to douse the illusion change will come from with in this corrupt system. A fool, or a crazy person rather, engauges in the same process and expects different results.

I am also aware that to run is just as impossible, but between the two, more fullfilling and closer to the reason we claim to murder children and their families: Freedom. I will persue it by being modest and of little burden to life as a whole. I will kidd myself that I can sail away, or live in the mountains and notbe subject to the catastrophy that is the water, air and lack of conscience and awarness of people. This seems more inspiring than to trust yet another politition because he's black and a gifted speaker.

Today the head lines read of more war. I cannot believe that this afternoon, the streets are plesant, resturants are full and people are getting drunk and throwing away some much garbage.

I hold no ill wishes for this system or the perpatrators, or the supporters. I simply wish for clean air and water so I will conduct my life as if I was the only one responsonsible for maintaining the health of our life-support systems, or, the only one who could poison them.

My boat is scantly outfitted for a voyage, and I intend on pushing my limits until they break. It is healthy and promotes growth of charecter and I would rather lie at the bottom of the bay and feed the crabs than be just like all these people who don't care about what it takes to maintain this excess. I can not change them and they don't want to change. War is ignored and resturants are open.

OF love, I am taking what I need and I admit I need more than most. I am weak these days. I have gained though, my recent trip to the west has got me on the rebound. I owe much gratitude to the man, who on many occasions has been accused of being my brother, for his strenght and example he sets with is words and actions. None of us are perfect, but of all I know, he is one of the realest people there ever was. His family, not suprisingly is a true inspriation as well. To know this man, and then his father is to see the sun in everything. I express love rather crudely these days, but to them, I can only feel it and hope it makes the world a better place some how.

My immedate family has trusted me enough to put there life in my hands as we went for a sail in my boat the other day, minus my father. My mother enjoyed the peacefulness of sailing on a gental day; lying in the birth down below, rocked to sleep by the smooth motion of water and wind. My brother at the helm was where he should be; a captain. Strong willed and entirely capable, his actions upon his first sail were enough to allow me to look only at my task. I hope to spend some time with the two of us, the oldest of friends and two from eternity I would enjoy all the ups and downs of a trip intot he unknow with my brother.

And so the bottom line: Love. Give it when you can and when you can't swallow your pride and ask for it for it from everyone you meet. There is enough to go around.


Global warming: Distraction

How funny: Arguments about the reality of global warming and not a peep about the cause. It appears the media has done it again. We have avoided change, we can continue to pollute and consume irresponsibly without risk of change, just keep arguing about global warming- the result of a problem.

The environmental movement was produced to raise conflict among the masses. "Are you an environmentalist?" If not your irrational, if so, a hippy. For 30 years all that was accomplished was an endless argument that ended with a President undoing the results of a relentless effort by blindly optimistic environmentalists dedicated to change. Now, we argue over words and ignore the world. Global warming is the word, consumption is the abstract. This is a continuation of an effort to disorganize the public. Today, the asult on the environment is carried out by the corps you pay to provide you with soap, cars, gas, resturants, and of course, to murder the world of non-democratic people no matter how beautiful they are- "they are not Americans".

Peace and love are actions.

July 4 2009

My true intention is to post photos, but not owning a computer makes it diffucult. As well, the bullshit "USB" cables, that are not "universal" make my camera incompatable with the world of usb cables that don't bare the lable olympus.

So ramble.

This year's 4th stands to be better than last year's in that we can prove, as American's, we not only don't need a reason to celebrate, but with can over-look the continued dwindling of our personal freedoms. Irony knows no better event.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring, outside of food regulation, more strict indoctrination in schools, continued decrease in quality of air and water and of course, more War for________, all one can do is guess.

Clelebrate though. We are, after all, the greatest country on the face of the earth, or in the entire universe or something like that. So the problems of today shouldn't be reason enough to do anything other than celebrate; party; "drive more than last year's holiday weekend"; drink beer until you "feel happy"; generate thousands of tons of new garabage; consume tons of disposable products to recycle them in to new disposable products; sleep with strangers. Yes, all this! And then on the first working day, you can feel the same way you do the rest of the year.

Happy 4th, please think about what your celebrating and the lack of it anywhere today. War for More________.

Peace and Love are actions.