
Apathy: A symptom of Opression

Opression takes root in the soul. Apathy is a manifestation of the unhealthy soul. Depression is a manifestation of an unhealthy soul. Depression is to the soul as infection is to an unclean wound of the body. Depression 'cured' by physicall means (drugs, chemicals) is not a cure at all but a distraction to the problem.

To deal with depression and apathy, one must abandon their life of distraction through travel and allowing connection to nature to surface. Physicall work (hiking, climbing, cycling, walking) will help clense the body and build strenght. meditiation will help free the mind from distraction. Travel will allow the connection of mind body and soul to strengthen as the individual is lost to the presence of the moment; we are depressed because we do not allow ourself to live as we were intended- we are not 40 hours/week, 50 weeks/year for 40, 50 or 60 years machines. We do not live seperate of nature therefore we must celebrate our connection and beign to act on behalf of nature- as every other living thing aside from the human does.

What do you think?

War Is Human Nature?

Conflict is nature; war is contrived. There are many ways to resolve conflict, war is simple one of them. It is the easiest and obviously a manifestation of a culture addicted to comfort and convenience.

The state of Love III

As a man starves to death so to does his contribution to the world. Only through community can change be profound enough to save a child.

A friend asked me, whats the easiest way someone can do whats right. The answer is this: There is no easy way.

The burden of change, and I say burden because we must first sacrifice our conforts and convienances, and we must each one carry this burden. In doing so we will be released from the distraction that we can not live together as communities caring for one another. If we allow the continued 'dehumanization' of people outside of our social network we will soon see an end to segragation as we all become subjects to curruption.

The gov't asks, nor answers the more important questions: IF we fight for oil, why do we continue to waste it so thoughtlessly? why do we deny the loss of inocent life in this war the was declared based on a lie?

Six years this war has been going on. It was started to seize wepons of mass distruction. One day three the oil fields were secured, and after a month of so it became clear there were, nor were there ever wepons of mass distruction. Six year later, without accepting the injustice, we see there will be more war; bigger war.

I can't say how im[portant oil is, I just know we seem to think we need it to live. There are many different opinions about these wars and truth seems illusive. I would think if there is a war, the the reason is debatable at best, it is a war for the worng reasons and must be ended without question. Further more, the truth can never be revieled from war; violence, it is covered up.

The state of love is in disconnect. From hearts to hands; the distance prooves too great to enable the influence of love to affect the actions of our people.

the state of love IV...........


My claim to Righteousness

My foundation for understanding the man-made-world:

Basic laws of thermodynamics

Laws of conservation of Mass

Energy in = Energy out

I am open to correction. My mind is strong and my direction is true to my understanding. My understanding is based on education, experience, observation and contemplation. I keep my opinions to myself and share only my observations- through objectivity there is a profound difference between the two.

I do not ignore contrasting opinion, I seek it for I belive the truth is only found through satisfying all questions. I do not condemn but have decided not to entertain ignorance any longer for it breeds apathy. When the ignorant begin to decide what they need to know, or when those who know better exploit ignorance, it is hopeless.

My hope has always and continues to be for open discourse.

If you have read my words, though me to be wrong and said nothing then you care not for making the world better. I say openly: Challenge everything.

In an answer is the next question. Satisfaction is given to those with discontinued ambition. I do not ignore the gross ambiguity of the field of questions we face; what is the question anyway: how to end war; how to teach children; how to end hunger; how to remove corruption form government? I guess it all depents on what one knows.

I am right and will yield to wisdom always when it is presented. I will seek wisdom always and turn my back on hopelessness as expressed as apathy for there is always hope so long as I know I am right.

We have been trained to refrain from say such a thing. What does that mean if you can not look another in the eye and say that you are righteous? We move ahead having abandoned the the notion of righteousness, settleing for the wicked ways of war, slavery and explotation. I am righteous because I seek a better way and settle not for contridiction but look always for the truth behind.

Be the change you wish to see


HR 875: What is does. what is doesn't

Recent media attention on the issue of HR 875 has clouded the implications of the bill. I have made a short list to clear up the muddied waters all to often created by the media:

-> The bill does not make illegal, organic gardens, but the participation in commerce in regard to growing, baking, transporting, storing, selling food will be punnishable of up to $1,000,000 if you are not registered or at odds with the "yet to be established LAW".

-> It makes it Law for all persons engaged in the above, to register, pay fees (yet to be established) and be subject to "frequent and unannounced inspections".

-> It establishes a new standard for food safety that will not effect the current commercial ag, meat, poulty, etc. food production; they are made exempt and remain subject to the "antiquated law" of the cosmetic act that presently serves as legislation to govern food safety.

Read the bill for yourself. You must also discuss it with others and surround the meaning of the provisions. IF we let this slide by then we will get what we deserve.

Obama Garden

This is good, but HR 875 is still a gutting of personal freedoms.

An 1,100 sq ft garden is good for a fair amount of people, but not a homeless soup kitchen, the white house staff as well as the obama family. The news article I read even said Mrs. Obama put about 15 min of work into the garden. "Food is important" so they have a commercial garden installed in public view.

If the president was sending a message with this garden; that food is important, then why wouldn;t he set the standard for home gardens, employing the most proven methods of producing healthy food: permiculture.

Nothing is accomplished by the Obama garden other than drummin gup pubklic support at a time when the public sould be protesting this trend of fedral invasion into our backyards.


HR 875: Action?

It is true, if this passes it will give corruption reign over our backyards and make it possible to legally force us to chemically treat all food grown in the country. But it is not clear to me what a proper course of action is.

Do we oppose this bill by participating in the corrupt system that continues to sap our time and energy from us, or do we simply organize our communities into growing centers and "standup" for what is fair. The bottom line is, this government will do what ever it want to regardless of what we "oppose". The problem is not the outcome of this bill, it is the very presence of it. This is not the product of leaders in a free country. It is a continuation of the past eight years: Fear, stripping of personal freedoms, and war.

We must be careful and very thoughtful about what we will be condoning and participating in when we show resistance. And we must understand that by any other means than Nonviolence resistance simply a contribution to the senslessness and indifference that brought us to this point. How can we make this a turning point for freedom and not simply a revival of war and slavery in our country? This is about our food; our right to Live off the Land.


Now you can't plant a seed: HR 875 Summary

I've spent the last few hours with gandhi flower inspiration and fellow blossomer Sarah (growthandlove.blogspot.com) reading, taking notes and discussion the provisions, contradictions and backyard implications of the proposed bill HR 875.

"The Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009"
Rep. Rosa DeLauro Conn. (D)

Summary by Andrew Eisenberg

Library of Congress- HR 875:

Sit down with someone you care about and read the bill for yourselves. Its very important you understand what might become law, and the continued effort to halt the rise in health, awareness and increase in participation of citizens for positive community change.

This is what I found:
This bill proposes the transfer of 'food safety' responsibilities from the Food and Drug Administration's "antiquated law" to the new "Food Safety Administration". It makes exempt all existing persons and corporations registered under the Federal Meat Inspection Act, the Poultry Products Inspection Act, and the Egg Products Inspection Act as well as "confined-animal feeding operations". those exempt would forever be "above the law" according to the provisions of this bill.
I am not being dramatic in the next paragraph. I achknowledge conventional wisdom in my summary of this bill. But talk to a farmer yourself, they will agree:
This bill takes no action to address the current commercial agriculture/food production system, a system that: ignores the fundemental heath of the soil that nutrifies the crops; empolyes "brute force" tactics on the earth in its reliance on pesticides unfit for food (things you put inside your body; touch ); it is unsustainable. Only those who wish to produce food locally through organic agriculture or permaculture will have to meet standards set by the new "FDA" (same name, different responsibilities?). It proposes that: "food establishments" be subject to "frequent and unannounced inspections" (Title 2 section 201 (c)(2), fees (Title 2 section 202 (B)(4) and the Administration's enforcement of government performance standards.

The definition of 'food establishment' includes a person that "produces fresh produce in ready-to-eat raw form" (all produce is ready to eat and in raw form) or "stores, holds, or transports food products prior to delivery for retail sale", among others. The laws will cover anyone who engages in 'commerce" related to food products; anyone who transports or sells food, say at a farmers market or to a next door neighbor, would have to register and be subjects to the provisions of the Bill and the new Law. The fines for practicing in the distribution of food (grown, made/baked, hunted, etc.) without holding a valid registration can be no greater than $1,000,000.00. The Bill would affect small, decentralized farming, Urban Ag. and potentially devistate the Farmers Market Movement.
It's a surprisingly 'typical' piece of legislation, more reminiscent of the Bush Administration's gutting of personal freedoms through the Patriot Act, then a proposal from a time of 'Change You can Believe in'. It would appear that the 'audacity of hope' inspires a different kind of partisan participation. Rosa DeLauro, Rep. Connecticut (D), Has brought to the floor a bill that both steels personal freedom and gives amnesty to big corporation farms, slaughter houses and poultry farms guilty of the recently past outbreaks of food-born illness. This is the wisdom of our political leaders? We are entering into an era labeled by the current President as very difficult times and one of our representatives proposes we make it more difficult to maintain the momentum of the farmers market movement; for people to choose healthy food instead of the government subsidized, chemically treated, mono-cultured products that lack as much in flavor as they do in health and sustainability? Wisdom!?

It is in poor taste, if not outright criminal, to suggest such clearly biased government policy in favor of stagnation rather than change. There is only one direction this can go: To the People; to you.

What will you do?

Grow food on the White House Lawn Mr. President, feed the homeless.


the state of love, Part II

To the soft breeze: I feel you gentle touch. Thank you, I will pass it along

To the warm kiss of the sun:  I feel your warmth.  Thank you, I will pass it along.

To the clean water from a mountain stream:  I feel your truth.  Thank you, I will pass it along.

To the laughter of children:  I feel your love.  Thank you, I will pass it along.

To the mother that protected me when I was vulnerable: I feel your strength.  Thank you, I will pass it along.

To the trees that grew as I grew:  I breathe your air.  Thank you, I will pass it along.

To the father who made my day: I feel your presence.  Thank you, I will pass it along.

This I swear, to share all I have received.  My shame is a closed eye and a mind in ignorance of the suffering I cause.  My roots are in the ground and my heart in the heavens.  We are all the same, our differences do not count.  Only those who have fallen to greed will tell you other wise.  They will push you to defend what you could never possess and convince you to seek what you have always within. 

To the people who close their eyes: I feel your guilt.  You are alone.

Peace and Love and Actions.


The State of Love, Part I

We are organized by lines, flags, political affiliations, social class, and myriad other distinctions.  We have become so enamored by 'difference' that we have lost sight, completely it seems, of the things that connect us.

I've been called a 'hippy' more that once.  I have been called 'idealistic' and 'lofty'.   Names like rain drops have hit me and soaked me so, leaving me shivering and in need of the warmth of community.    So let me say first, I am nothing.  I am a humble man who put himself out for the judgment of a culture stricken with apathy and thoughtlessness. 

Today we look, still to leadership for direction.  What is their wisdom? More roads, war and work.  To what end is this all for?  Maintenance of this modern style of slavery.  Don't be fooled by color; we have been and continue to be equal as human beings regardless of economic class; we are all capable and when segregated, we are all vulnerable.  

I would say war is the antithesis of love;  competition that leaves children starving and cold is the antithesis of love;  processes that poison our air and water (how absolutely insane and hopeless) are the antithesis of love.  Many feel opinion out weighs observation.   If observation is subjective in nature then it is indeed, the same as opinion.  It is only through objectivity that observation can surpass opinion, and through objectivity alone can we see the State of Love in our houses, communities, and country.  Our subjectivity is the result of programing.  Your opinions are the product of misinformation, fear, and selfishness expressed as capitalism.  It need not be this way.  Furthermore, it can not be this way if we hope for change.

There is a choice: Be the change, or not.  Before Love we must learn to respect each other.  This can only be done by the individual.  In fact, the achievement of solution is similar to the presence of the problem; it is the result of the entirety of individual actions over a period of time.  The true leader of change you will find in the mirror, not the television or newspaper.

The State of Love, as Stevie Wonder sang, "is in need of love today".   Money is not love.  You can not vote for Love.  Bullets and bombs don't reveal Love.  Respect: Love; Thought: Understanding 

coming: The State of Love, Part II


How to help Obama

Want change? Do everything differently, starting with the easiest of all: no more plastic bags, paper cups or plastic forks.  There is no solution that would have us wasting so many resources, anyone who tells you any different is a lier or a fool.  


Wake Up: Reality

The only question that should cause hesitation, is "what is life for".  This would challenge the notion we must do without certain things in order to bring an end to the festering problems of corruption, pollution and war.  If life is meaningless, read no further and live out your fifth-grade level of "ignorance is bliss" to your prolonged undignified medically enhanced death.  If however, you feel there is some kind of meaning of life, and not ever in the academic or philosophical sense, but a meaning greater than our mind alone can understand, read on.

What is life for?  Humbly, it is for love and love alone.  It is true there are many kinds of love; life is for all love.  The role or purpose of life "being" is to facilitate love.  the role of you, me and everyone one else is to allow love to flourish and understand and accept our own weakness to prevent from inadvertently sabotaging the proliferation of love. 

I may sound like a"hippy", but such a label is the product narrow-minded thinking.  "Hippys", at least the real ones from the sixties have dropped their peace flags and drive SUV's and vote for liers.  Some others might think I am prescribing passiveness, but there is no action more complete in its effort to facilitate love than non-violence;it requires a very active approach.  Others will recite passages from the many books about the same God with different names, stating they can not love their enemies, but I would say "read your book again".  I'll throw a bone to the Christians, Read the first ten pages of Matthew to see the lines about "loving your enemy".  I didn't say it, Jesus did.

Wisdom is the word; "truth is God" as it were.  This is what Gandhi believed.  He also agreed with "God is Love".  Today there is a need for love, or, the refinement of the expression of love.  We are willing to sacrifice almost everything for the right amount of money, yet we can't even give a bum a piece of fruit, or stop driving to stop poising our children's air and paying the sinister oil companies to continue to plunder the earth.  What do you sacrifice for love?  

REDUCE=love                      REUSE=love                                          recycle=money    


Solutions anyone?

Yes, the moment is ripe: Change!  There seem to be a lot of questions about what we need to do.  There also a lot of hope that things will just work themself out.  To the latter, indifference is the wrong approach, and hope without action is complacency and as well, is the wrong approach.  The bottom line is this: energy in = energy out.  That means each one of us must change our lifestyle.  

The simplest changes are as follows:

1. Conservation of resources- Don't use disposable products (i.e. plastic grocery bags; paper/plastic cups; disposable forks, plates, napkins, etc.).  this means carry your own consumption kit.  Mine consists of: stainless steel bowl, titainum spork, 16 oz.. glass jar.  If I go for coffee, I use my own glass.  If I go to eat, I use my own utensil and bowl.  I don't patronize establishments that refuse to allow conservation in their business.  If I need a napkin I reach in my back pocket and grab my handkerchief.   

2. Recycling does not change anything- Recycling is a highly consumptive process as far as energy.  When you take into account the massive amounts of fossil fuels burnt in the transporting, sorting, transporting, processing, transporting, processing, transporting, and distribution, you end up with increased amounts of pollution globally.  And after all that, what do we have to show: disposable bottles, bags, and napkins used once or a few times and re-recycled.  the problem is we use too many disposable products.

3. Food grows on trees, so grow food- Its not enough that the majority of grocery store food is unhealthy to you and especially to children, but we are entering into a era of resource scarcity that will inevitably mean higher food prices and less availability.  To not grow food where ever you can, is negligence.   Gardening is the single most radical thing one can do.  It severs ties to corporate farms responsible for lowering the healthfulness of our foods and the health of our planet.  I severs your ties to the burning of massive amounts of fossil fuels in the transportation of food, which is often over 1,500 miles.  It empowers you to make your life healthier.

4. Alone one struggles, together many flourish- Community is the key.  If you grow food and your neighbor is starving, you should grow more food with your neighbor.  If you call for and support progressive community efforts, you will be part of the community for change.    

We, each one, must work to over come our dependancy on garbage and adopt a strong conservation ethic and refuse to participate in the gross wastefulness we as a culture are guilty of.   We must meet in the streets and celebrate change together for whether we choose to or not, drastic change is on its way and we will be forced to do without.  community is key friends.

Respect is before love, and discourse is before community.  If there is no discussion happening in your community then start one.  Focus on solutions and don't worry about difficulties, together we will find solutions.