
a warm greeting,

If distraction is the problem, that is, things getting worse and we have yet to make an impact, like garbage for instance, then what is the on-going impact of the media?

We have gone to the point where we are going to run out of room; its too late to stop; its over.Landfills as a concept, were known to be terminal, and the best we could do is "recycle some of it". The real pitty, education got cut before garbage.

How does one impress upon another, that beyond there perception, there is a "rock in the water"?

I feel in one important sence it is the responsibility of people with an education to apply the level of understanding they are capable of to issue we face. It is not the world out there, but our addiction to its perminance. This means if you understand recycling for instance, you should go on to understand, it is not the answer to the problem of irresponsible consumption in the same way more war is not the solution to the edication crisis. And just as some go to college and some don't, there are those who go to college with a diversity of intentions; purposes. Furthermore, are there not some who aviod the opression of university/college educational system and travel and grow all the same, if not stronger as complete beings? IT is this person who must look beyond perception to see the rock in the water. Before Hardings lifeboat ethics, it is important that at this moment we realize Lady America is still afloat.

All hands on deck/dirt. All hands are needed to their fullest capacity.

I present two news articles for you to read and think about from a sociological stand point. I know better than most, how little scrutiny due an internet media source, or a front page Washington Post article for that matter; they are 'spin until dizzy' stories providing mere sketches at best, much less how an issue effects you, for real. But we still confront opinions void of even a three-decade-long encourgment to learn the importance of "car pooling" or "recycling" so we should still consider the posibility that the garabage that gets reported is actually effecting peoples perception.

I see plastic grocery bags in trees more common that I see cars yeilding to human beings. Land fills: Full. Recycling: Carpooling for garbage?

Yahoo Main Page: "Conversations to avoid in a recessions"


Washington post Front Page Monday: A Quiet Resolut March agains fear
(this is the same story, author, etc. I read on the front page of the Wash. Post)




I think perhaps it is more a hinderance, opression, than a thing that can touch the soul. Opression is about denying the subject the things they are entitlede to, truth namely. Your soul owns you and therefore it isn't affected by worldly affairs to any extent beyond your power; you are your soul's like calous is your foot's. Opression is the tool to prevent you from reaching your soul. There is the power of creation, or, the sum. As a river, to move with the flow provides one with the power of that river. To express as life expresses, onto everything, endlessly is to exist with that power of life.

Apathy would be the effect of disconnection to the soul within, or, entirely throughout. Connection to nature would in turn be crucial to realization for the river as it were is bigger than the log it swiftly carries down stream; there is a stream of flow that can "carry away" the individual conscience. Enlightenment; Exercise, Meditation, Fasting.

As wind

Through a mindful moment can another be achieved